Clarification is the lifelong joy of the "eternal novice," learning more and more every day, yet always a beginner. Its four rhythms (Study, Identification, Dialogue, and Examen/Reflection) offer different modes of deepening one's understanding of one's own path and the paths chosen by others.
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I was wondering what were your top 10 favorite spiritual books.
I have tried writing as a means of clarification, which has stimulated dialog with others over the years. But my 2 books on spirituality and psychological type (Four Spiritualities & Archetype of the Spirit) have clarified the complexity of dialogue among religions and patiently attempting to understand from whence they speak. It also begins a process of being able to both appreciate and critique religions from a more within position. We can feel ourselves of and not just about them.
Started with reading/study a few Eastern teachings, also Thoreau, science to start in early life moving on later to being a student of "New"Thought, Taichi (as meditative practice), still often remembering to be in beginner's mind. I really appreciated the visual representation showing the Rim, Spokes,...
Everyone is on the Circle, simply in different areas of study (or non-study, staying where they believe serves them best at the Present). That was the quiet "aha" today, simple yet effective. Instead of myself being back on "the Rim", referring to other's comment if I have an emotional response to political changes, I'm probably the same place I was yesterday, just needing to do more examining of what my present emotions are about. Thank you
Having moved from several degrees of Fundamental Christianity (legacy) through various Eastern teachings and then landing on New Thought, I consider myself a very eclectic "eternal novice" since I continue to read, study, explore various aspects of theology, spirituality, tradition, etc. I approach this study/topic the way I study and practice both the martial arts and American Sign Language by remaining open, flexible, adaptive...