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Physics, Evolution, Archaeology
How does the world work? The cosmos? And how much can we know? These courses – designed from the perspective of the humanities, rather than that of the hard sciences – will take up those questions in creative and challenging ways. In a period plagued by science denial, you’ll find some solid ground in these inquiries. (What follows is a listing of past and current lectures.)
The Scientific Revolution
What Darwin Never Knew
At the Edge or Order: Chaos and Complexity
The Rise of the Humans
The Right Wing's War on Science
Our Most Recent Science Series
"The political celebration of willful ignorance..."
One of the most powerful currents in 20th-and 21st-century Western life is the political right's deliberate attack on science. We'll inquire deeply into the causes of the alarming anti-science bias on the fringes of our culture.
Mar 12, 2022, 1:00 PM CST – Mar 26, 2022, 2:30 PM CDT
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